Selling content

A sale takes place between ordinary people - whether you sell B2B or B2C.

What is Content Marketing?

Therefore, sales psychology draws long threads to social psychology - that is, the one that has taught us that man is a herd animal. 

When we want to succeed in selling through content, we must therefore understand human behavior - and this is where sales psychology comes into the picture.

When we have to sell a product, we go to work with the best intentions and prerequisites for success. That is why we put one communication strategy after another with one goal in mind - to be ready when the locomotive burns or to make sure that it does not happen! Flowers for the wife is, for example, a well-known communication strategy - we all know why.


A good communication strategy thus defines how, what and when, and therefore it expresses something about both actions and goals. 


Typically, it is divided into 5 steps:

  1. What are our goals? → Watching tonight's football match
  2. Who are we aiming for → (target group)? The wife 
  3. What are we to achieve? → Maintaining peace of the home
  4. How do we do it? → Flowers from your local florist
  5. Evaluation. → The larger the bouquet, the longer the peace of mind


And then there is nothing more to say about it…

Or yes… A communication strategy is of course much more than that, but it is a completely different talk.




Explore the mind with 6 Principles of Persuasion


When we talk about sales psychology, we do not get around the American professor Robert Cialdini's 6 principles of persuasion. They have been used over and over again, they have been turned and twisted, rewritten, analyzed, rejected and loved.  


No matter what your position is, here we have the cornerstone of sales psychology. They can be fully or partially implemented in all kinds of content from blog posts and articles to Facebook Ads and news emails - so let's get started exploring the mind!


The 6 principles cover:

  1. Reciprocity (retaliation)
  2. Scarcity (scarcity)
  3. Authority (authority)
  4. Commitment and consistency (dedication and consistency)
  5. Liking (charisma)
  6. Social proof


The 6 principles are factors that make man say 'yes'. Many believe that we are predominant when we make a decision, but due to i.a. busy life it is not the whole truth. Instead, we are always looking for short cuts and transparent rules that can guide us in our decision making.

And the principles are precisely the short cuts and rules.



  1. Reciprocity

Here we are out in the classic; we treat people the same way we feel they treat us. That means we are more kind to people who are kind to us. And therefore we have great influence on each other if we get well out of it. 

It is therefore only natural that we would like to give back. If you have been invited to dinner, the unwritten rule is that you invite next time - it was just missing!

You probably know the strategy from advertising - here the idea is used diligently. The same goes for restaurants. Along with bills, we often get a 'gift' such as a small liqueur. And because we get something from the restaurant, we like to give back in the form of our payment - and if we get more, we definitely give tips as well. 



  1. Scarcity

We tend to add value that (we think) is in short supply or exclusive. The point is that when something seems to be only available to a small group, it instantly makes more people want it.

Especially in the advertising industry, it is a washed-out principle. This is because it is the foundation of ideas for sales that only last a single day or 2 or maybe a discount for the first 50 customers. If an airline announces that the two daily flights will become one, we will immediately see how sales of one flight will increase. Not because the service has improved, but because it is suddenly in short supply - and therefore we want it even more!

It is therefore about telling people what they are losing / missing by not buying your product.



  1. Authority

People with more power or greater visibility seem credible among ordinary people. That is why we are not so critical of famous people - we look up to them. So wonder why things are going so well for companies that today focus on having good influencers. Others want to identify with these influencers - and therefore we copy them to a large extent.

There is therefore also a reason why, for example, therapists and professors show off their many medical distinctions. We believe in the experts. 

Therefore, you need to show what it is that makes you an expert - and it does not have to come from you. It can emerge with just as great (and perhaps even greater) success in other ways, e.g. via salespeople and / or colleagues.



  1. Commitment and consistency

Man is an addictive animal and we need security. Therefore, we are more likely to do things that follow the principles of the things we have done or said in the past - rationally or not. We therefore seek things that confirm the way we act, and therefore we stick to the known. 

This principle is often used in sales. In order to attract new customers, we must first study behaviors and routines, because it gives us a picture of what attracts the individual customer. Therefore it is so important with one or more good personas. 

However, we also need change. Then we first take small steps towards something new, we are more willing to take the bigger and more decisive steps. It is therefore about committing to something. An example is seen at the doctor. If you write down the appointment points yourself on your next doctor's visit rather than a secretary doing so, you commit yourself more to showing up, and this lowers the degree of absenteeism.



  1. Liking

This is about the 'halo effect', which deals with the fact that physically attractive people can better persuade us. We unknowingly associate them with positive values ​​such as honesty and success. However, it can also happen to people we just like, who look like us, who work with us, or who have the same goals as us - regardless of the physical attraction.

Advertising therefore always uses stereotypes that make you like what they sell. It can be beautiful models or people who represent something specific.

You should therefore look for similarities between you and your customers.



  1. Social proof

We look to others when we have to make decisions and are in doubt about something. So we stick to the group and often follow the opinion that has the greatest support. For example, if the majority thinks something is wrong, many others will start to think the same.

That is why both businesses and politicians make a great effort to 'create trends'. Here there is not always a true or rational basis, but they create a 'wave' and it often ends successfully.

Many people, for example, reuse their towel at the hotel if a small card tells about the benefits of doing so in relation to the environment. But even more people recycle it if the card says that as many as 75% of the hotel's other guests do too.

Therefore, it is important to show recommendations and other forms of social proof that confirm that your products are good.




Discover the unknown loophole with the 5 levels of consciousness


Many copywriters have a secret weapon and a tool that always ensures that a message hits the target audience right in the heart - the 5 levels of consciousness developed by Eugene Schwartz. These are the 5 stages that every consumer goes through before making a purchase. Whether you sell toothpaste or coffee mugs.


The 5 levels of consciousness cover psychological levels:

  1. Unconscious → The recipient is not aware of the problem your product solves
  2. Problem-→ consciousThe recipient is aware of the problem but does not know the solution
  3. Solution-→ consciousThe recipient is aware of the solution but does not know your productconscious
  4. Product-→ The recipient is aware of the product but is not sure she will choose it
  5. Most consciously → The recipient knows the product and knows what it stands for. She (maybe) just needs a great deal or some other good reason to make a purchase


Let’s take a closer look at the levels.


Customer 1 is going to send emails but knows nothing about it. Therefore, this customer is at level 2 (problem conscious). 


Customer 2 needs to send emails and knows she needs to choose an email program, but not which one. Therefore, she is at level 3 (solution conscious).


And then there is customer 3. She needs to send emails and knows your program, but there are other options as well. She is at level 4 (product conscious).


For the 3 customers, 3 different messages must appear, the communication must vary, and there will also be different questions and objections. Therefore, 3 different campaigns are needed before you will succeed.


Your goal should be to move a recipient one level up on the awareness scale and thus one step closer to a sale. But do not skip any levels!




The unconscious customer is the hardest to communicate with, as she does not know that she has a problem. Therefore, present it by describing others who remind her of her (social proof) for, "if others go up in this, then I should probably do it too".

If necessary, use the well-known PAS model: 

  • Problem
  • Agitation
  • Solution

Start by describing the problem, then elaborate on it and focus on where the pain point is. And then finish presenting a solution. It could be your product.


  1. Problem-conscious

The problem-conscious customer often focuses on emotions. Emotions and problems are inseparable. Therefore, describe the moment when the problem is most obvious.



The solution-conscious customer must discover you, and you must therefore train your customer. Focus on the questions that the customer asks, answer them and thus build trust. If you sell coffee beans, for example, show how to brew the perfect cup of coffee with them.

Here you can also use the AIDA model:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

Start by raising awareness about yourself, making yourself seem interesting and thus creating a desire to own your product. Finish by making it easy for your customer to respond and thus buy your product.


  1. Product-conscious

With the product-conscious customer, you must tell what the benefits and benefits are of choosing you and your products. So make yourself attractive.


Use evt. The EFU model to convince your customer:

  • Characteristics
  • Benefit
  • Yield


Start here by describing the characteristics of your product. It is important here to focus on the facts. Keep talking about the benefits. For example, it can be the good features that it comes with, and then finish by describing the yield. Because what does the customer really get out of buying your product? And what will it mean for her? 


  1. Most conscious

When the customer reaches the most conscious level, she trusts you. And now you just have to give her the final push for a purchase. It can, for example, be a good offer.

First of all, keep in mind that what works from site to site is very different. And maybe you are already well underway with some of the 5 methods or more others? The 5 are just a small selection of the many things you can change - with great gain.