HubSpot Service Hub

The customer service taken to new heights! With HubSpot Service Hub, you can create great customer experiences and support - easily and quickly!

What is HubSpot Service Hub?

The tool you need to deliver authentic service and put customers first. HubSpot Service Hub is self-help for customers when they need it most.


The customer service taken to new heights! With HubSpot Service Hub, you can create great customer experiences and support - easily and quickly! The tool you need to deliver authentic service and put customers first. HubSpot Service Hub is self-help for customers when they need it most.


Good customer service is hard work, as customers often have a long list of expectations, such as a personal touch, 1:1 interactions, easy access to online or phone customer service at any time, and instant responses.


It is a difficult seat to fill, and unfortunately, many businesses don't always get it right. To achieve happy customers, you must first be able to understand your customers. And you can do that with a Service Hub in HubSpot.


With HubSpot Service Hub, you can save several hours each week by consolidating your customers' most frequently asked questions into a HubSpot Knowledge Base full of useful information. Service Hub is connected to HubSpot's full CRM platform, so you have the total data overview right in front of you to capture potential questions.


And more importantly, with a Service Hub attached, you can respond to your customers' inquiries without them ever having to reach out to you, thus showing from the start that you understand them better than any of your competitors.


That and much more can be achieved when you choose a Service Hub in HubSpot.



Kontakt os nu
Assistance for self-help with SEO value

Assistance for self-help with SEO value

For many customers, the best service experience means being able to quickly find answers to their questions and resolve their problems. The Service Hub's Knowledge Base is designed to make it easy for customers to find answers and solutions themselves.

It's fast and easy, and you receive invaluable data on your users' issues. The Knowledge Base is so intelligently built that it doesn't just consist of a static list of frequently asked questions - which can often be found on a website. Instead, it learns what people are searching for and suggests what you can do to improve your entire customer journey by using your knowledge database.

Therefore, you don't need to spend time reaching out to your customer service to keep up-to-date on issues your customers encounter - it's all taken care of automatically for you.

Live chat also makes it easy to engage more customers in conversations. And with the help of automated service chatbots, you can expand these conversations to help your customers get answers - all without involving staff from the department.

Customer surveys

Customer surveys

Your potential customers need proof that it is good to do business with you. That means they need to be presented with credible sources that give them insight into what it's like to be your customer. And for that, you can use inbound marketing.

If you present your potential customers with, for example, good cases, they will immediately build more credibility for your business.

With Service Hub's user survey, you are well on your way to understanding your customers. You can improve your customers' future experiences and easily identify satisfied customers who are eager to share their opinions about your company.

Once you have a hold of happy customers, make sure to turn their stories into social proof. You can easily build such a workflow with HubSpot.

In this way, you grow your business in collaboration with your customers, making them a very important part of your inbound marketing. And that gives you a high degree of loyalty

The many Benefits of HubSpot Service Hub


Customer Portal

Give customers the opportunity to take ownership of their experience with a secure customer portal. A portal where customers can access documents, support tickets, and important information about their purchase from you.


Customer Feedback

Learn what your customers really think with custom surveys and feedback collection tools. Your means to create even better customer experiences.


Knowledge Base

Help your customers help themselves. In a Knowledge Base, you can reduce your customer cases and save time by collecting FAQs and a library where customers can search for the answers they need.


Fully Integrated CRM

Automatically track customer information and interactions between customers and your company. It provides insights available to your entire team so you can help customers more personally.


Shared Inbox

Connect HubSpot with your team email, live chat, Facebook Messenger, and other channels in one universal inbox, so your entire team has access and can respond immediately.

suport (1)

Help desk & Tickets

Keep track of customer inquiries and support cases with a helpdesk, so your team stays organized, can manage tickets, and easily prioritize urgent cases.

Meet your HubSpot team


Martin Mensbo Christiansen


Annemette Rosenkilde Lucas


Dennis Rud Christensen

Lead Developer

Daniel Esbersen

Front-end Developer

Lasse Bech Eiler

Ecommerce Solution Architect

Jacob Lykke

Art Director

Anne Bank Lindberg


4 versions of Service Hub: Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise

There are many ways to provide good customer service. With HubSpot Service Hub, you can make the job easier for your customer service team by providing everything they need in one platform.


Service Hub comes in four levels, each with different features:



HubSpot Service Hub Free

The first of the four editions is free for you to use. Service Hub Free offers a range of features that you can take advantage of to provide better customer service: en række muligheder, som du kan drage nytte af for at yde en bedre kundeservice:


  • Contact Management
  • Ticketing
  • Live chat
  • Team email
  • Tickets closed reports
  • Reporting Dashboard
  • Shared inbox


Service Hub Free is your first step towards improving your customer experience.



HubSpot Service Hub Starter

Service Hub Starter costs $45 per month and already offers a significant upgrade from Service Hub Free:


  • Conversation routing
  • Simple ticket automation
  • Multiple ticket pipelines
  • Multiple currencies
  • Calling SDK


Compared to Service Hub Free, the special thing about Service Hub Starter is that you get access to crucial automations that optimize your customer service and make life a little easier for you.



HubSpot Service Hub Professional

With a monthly price of $450, Service Hub Professional provides you with tools that focus specifically on the individual user experience:


  • Help desk automation
  • Knowledge base
  • Logged-in visitor
  • Customer portal
  • SLAs


And much more comes with HubSpot Service Hub Professional. There's a lot to look forward to, and customer service just gets a little more fun with a Knowledge base and Customer Portal!



HubSpot Service Hub Enterprise

Service Hub Enterprise costs $1,200 per month and is for those who really want to take customer service to new heights. Here, you don't have to settle, but instead, you get everything with popular features like:


  • Goals
  • Playbooks
  • Single sign-on
  • User roles
  • Team management
  • Conversation intelligence


With Service Hub Enterprise, there are no excuses. It's your ultimate set-up for providing professional, authentic, and personalized customer service every day.

Connect HubSpot with your favorite tools

Our custom integrations have helped many businesses synchronize data and automate repetitive tasks between HubSpot and their preferred systems. You can also benefit from our integrations and thus have more time to focus on increasing your revenue and building stronger relationships with your customers.




HubSpot + Visma.Net

Opnå en mere effektiv forretningsdrift med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma.NET. Centralisér dine kunde- og finansdata for at øge produktiviteten og forbedre samarbejdet på tværs af teams. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds resultater.

HubSpot + Visma economic

Spar tid og forbedr effektiviteten med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma e-conomic. Synkronisér dine kunde- og økonomidata, og opret fakturaer direkte fra HubSpot uden at skulle skifte mellem systemer. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

HubSpot Quote + MobilePay

Få hurtigere betalinger via HubSpot Quotes med MobilePay som en betalingsmulighed. Tilbyd nem betaling på dine tilbud via MobilePay, og opnå en mere sømløs salgsproces. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds effektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Apple Pay

Forbedr din salgsproces og øg sandsynligheden for at konvertere kunder ved at acceptere betalinger via Apple Pay på dine tilbud.
Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds salgseffektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Quickpay

Øg din konverteringsrate og modtag betalinger hurtigere med integrationen mellem HubSpot Quotes og QuickPay. Acceptér en bred vifte af betalingskort og udbydere som MobilePay, Mastercard, Dankort, Visa, Apple Pay og flere. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Dynamics AX

Forbedr din forretningsdrift og skab mere værdi med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Dynamics AX. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og frigør ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan optimere din virksomhed.

HubSpot + Dynamics C5

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Dynamics C5. Centralisér dine salgs- og økonomidata, og få et samlet overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds effektivitet og økonomiske resultater.

HubSpot + Salesforce

Øg din salgseffektivitet og skab bedre resultater med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Salesforce. Centralisér dine kunde- og salgsdata, og få et 360 graders overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + CVR

Optimer din salgsproces og sikr korrekt data med integrationen mellem HubSpot og det danske CVR-register. Få adgang til altid opdaterede kundeoplysninger fra skattemyndighederne, og spar tid på manuel indtastning og validering. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Microsoft Business Central

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Microsoft Business Central. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og optimer din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

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Explore our HubSpot cases.

Frequently Asked Questions about HubSpot Service Hub

What is HubSpot Service Hub?
Service Hub is your tool for providing authentic, personal, and excellent customer service. With a HubSpot Knowledge Base, for example, you can collect all of your frequently asked questions in one place. This makes it easy and quick for your visitors to find the answers they're looking for, while also saving you a lot of time that you can use for other important tasks in your business.
Why should you choose Service Hub?
Today, customers expect answers and solutions to their questions within minutes, and preferably in a personal manner. This places demands on your company, which needs to be available 24/7. It's a difficult task for most, but with Service Hub, you have all of your customer service data and channels in one CRM platform, so you can easily support, retain, and expand your customer base. This gives you better customer service management and happy customers at all stages of the journey.
What does HubSpot Service Hub cost?
The price for Service Hub in HubSpot depends on your needs. You can choose a free version where you get the most basic customer service functions. And you can choose from 3 different paid solutions that expand the features and open the doors to creating a truly unique customer service experience.

Do you need help with HubSpot Service Hub?

Please fill out the form, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager