HubSpot Operations Hub

Operational software that makes it easy to sync, clean, and update customer data. And automate business processes!

What is HubSpot Operations Hub and How Can it be Used?

The HubSpot Operations Hub is the newest of HubSpot's 5 Hubs, which is launched in 2021 and aims to help you work smarter not harder. Unlike Marketing Hub, CMS Hub, Sales Hub, and Service Hub, Operations Hub is not used alone. On the other hand this Hub is used as a crucial supplement to unfold the remaining Hubs optimally.


An Operation Hub provides access to improved integrations, data, synchronizations, and programmable automations so that your departments can work together even better. Operations Hub makes it easier for your company to handle and organize customers in a centralized CRM system.


With Operations Hub you get access to HubSpot's many tools and benefits. And it is regardless of whether you use a Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub or CMS Hub. Because with Operations Hub you improve the data you use in HubSpot so that you always work with the most up-to-date and accurate data. It is your tool to automate and streamline processes so you can focus on growth and innovation.



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How can HubSpot Operations Hub Benefit your Business?

Meet your HubSpot team


Martin Mensbo Christiansen


Annemette Rosenkilde Lucas


Dennis Rud Christensen

Lead Developer

Daniel Esbersen

Front-end Developer

Lasse Bech Eiler

Ecommerce Solution Architect

Jacob Lykke

Art Director

Anne Bank Lindberg


4 Editions of Operations Hub: Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise

Operations Hub is a unified toolset that connects apps, cleans, and updates customer data, and automates business processes under one platform for Customer Relationship Management. This Hub is available in 4 versions, and you decide which one best suits your needs.



HubSpot Operations Hub Free

Operations Hub Free is the only one of the 4 editions that is free for you to use. This means that you get access to basic functions in the Operations Hub without having to pay anything. Some of the most popular tools in this edition are:


  • Two-way data sync
  • Default field mappings
  • Historical sync
  • All third-party integrations


With Operations Hub Free you can get started with the many advantages of Operations Hub.



HubSpot Operations Hub Starter

Operations Hub Starter costs $45 per month. Here you get everything from Operations Hub Free and more:


  • Custom field mappings



HubSpot Operations Hub Professional

With Operations Hub Professional you take a step up the ladder with the possibilities within data processing in your HubSpot. With a monthly subscription price of $720 you get access to:

  • Programmable automation and bots
  • Webhooks
  • Data quality automation



HubSpot Operations Hub Enterprise

With Operations Hub Enterprise you open the doors to the ultimate set-up. For $2,000 per month you get access to:


  • Datasets
  • Reporting calculations
  • Snowflake Data Share
  • Additional reports, lists, and workflows

Connect HubSpot with your favorite tools

Our custom integrations have helped many businesses synchronize data and automate repetitive tasks between HubSpot and their preferred systems. You can also benefit from our integrations and thus have more time to focus on increasing your revenue and building stronger relationships with your customers.




HubSpot + Visma.Net

Opnå en mere effektiv forretningsdrift med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma.NET. Centralisér dine kunde- og finansdata for at øge produktiviteten og forbedre samarbejdet på tværs af teams. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds resultater.

HubSpot + Visma economic

Spar tid og forbedr effektiviteten med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma e-conomic. Synkronisér dine kunde- og økonomidata, og opret fakturaer direkte fra HubSpot uden at skulle skifte mellem systemer. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

HubSpot Quote + MobilePay

Få hurtigere betalinger via HubSpot Quotes med MobilePay som en betalingsmulighed. Tilbyd nem betaling på dine tilbud via MobilePay, og opnå en mere sømløs salgsproces. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds effektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Apple Pay

Forbedr din salgsproces og øg sandsynligheden for at konvertere kunder ved at acceptere betalinger via Apple Pay på dine tilbud.
Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds salgseffektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Quickpay

Øg din konverteringsrate og modtag betalinger hurtigere med integrationen mellem HubSpot Quotes og QuickPay. Acceptér en bred vifte af betalingskort og udbydere som MobilePay, Mastercard, Dankort, Visa, Apple Pay og flere. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Dynamics AX

Forbedr din forretningsdrift og skab mere værdi med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Dynamics AX. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og frigør ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan optimere din virksomhed.

HubSpot + Dynamics C5

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Dynamics C5. Centralisér dine salgs- og økonomidata, og få et samlet overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds effektivitet og økonomiske resultater.

HubSpot + Salesforce

Øg din salgseffektivitet og skab bedre resultater med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Salesforce. Centralisér dine kunde- og salgsdata, og få et 360 graders overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + CVR

Optimer din salgsproces og sikr korrekt data med integrationen mellem HubSpot og det danske CVR-register. Få adgang til altid opdaterede kundeoplysninger fra skattemyndighederne, og spar tid på manuel indtastning og validering. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Microsoft Business Central

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Microsoft Business Central. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og optimer din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

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Frequently Asked Questions about HubSpot Operations Hub

What is HubSpot Operations Hub?
Operations Hub is an operations software that helps you synchronize and clean customer data. At the same tim it is a tool for automating business processes. That way you are guaranteed reliable and up-to-date data in your HubSpot.
Why should you choose Operations Hub?
Operations Hub can be a crucial supplement to both Marketing Hub, CMS Hub, Sales Hub, and Service Hub. With this Hub you can ensure the necessary integrations, data synchronizations from third-party tools and extended automations for your business processes.
How much does the HubSpot Operations Hub cost?
Operations Hub exists in a free version that includes basic tools. In addition, you can purchase Operations Hub as Starter, Professional, or Enterprise. The price will increase according to your choice and the options within the Operations Hub do the same.
Can HubSpot Operations Hub be used by smaller businesses?

Yes, HubSpot Operations Hub is suitable for businesses of all sizes. The system's flexible workflows and scalable architecture make it a good choice for smaller businesses that need ways to automate and streamline their processes.

Can I try the HubSpot Operations Hub before I buy it?

Yes, HubSpot offers a free trial of Operations Hub. You can sign up for the free trial on HubSpot's website.

Need Help to get Started with Operations Hub?

Please fill out the form, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager