HubSpot Sales Hub

Sell smarter and more effectively with HubSpot Sales Hub. At MCB, we can help you get started.

What is HubSpot Sales Hub?

HubSpot Sales Hub is a powerful sales software that helps sales teams close more deals, nurture customer relationships, and manage their pipeline more effectively - all in one place.


With a Sales Hub, you can streamline your sales process by bringing all your tools and data onto one user-friendly CRM platform that your entire sales team will love. This gives you time and energy to focus on what really matters: your customers.


You'll have access to indispensable sales tools such as: 


  • Email templates
  • Email tracking
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Payments
  • Live chat
  • Quotes
  • Pipeline management
  • Mobile CRM App
  • ... and much more!


When you use HubSpot Sales Hub, you can automate and streamline many of your sales tasks. It's a thing of the past to remember everything in your head and juggle between multiple programs. HubSpot has gathered everything you need for your sales processes in one place, saving you time and reducing the risk of losing a customer or information. There are many benefits to be gained with a HubSpot Sales Hub!

Email tracking/notifications

Email tracking/notifications

HubSpot has built a tool that works with the three biggest email clients - and it's nothing short of fantastic! It has built-in tracking and login via email, so you can enrich your data in your CRM. So, are you using Google Gmail, Outlook, or Office 365? Hurry up and open up free CRM through HubSpot.

At MCB we use Gmail, and it is connected to HubSpot. Therefore, we can all quickly get an overview of the contact we are emailing, as well as enrich the existing data. We can always find the history of a given contact, saving us a lot of time by avoiding asking questions that have already been answered and running back and forth between each other to get the necessary information.

As a starting point, we "log" all emails, so they are automatically linked to the history of each contact. It is also possible to activate "Never log," which is particularly useful internally.

When you have installed HubSpot, you will notice that several fields become available to you. These include Templates, Sequences, Documents, Meetings, and Snippets.

Email templates

Email templates

Are you the type who sends many newsletters with the same message? Then you will love the template feature in HubSpot.

Here you get a structure that goes far beyond the traditional templates most email clients use. With HubSpot Templates, you leverage the vast knowledge and wide data layer you already have with your CRM - and that makes it a strong ally!

So forget ALL about having a template with fixed text, where you just have to remember to change the name, day of the week, or time. All of that can be managed with the data you have in your CRM using HubSpot. And that's why each email is both personal and relevant.

Once you have written an email that hits all the right notes, you can easily share it with the rest of your team, and they can use it without changing a single detail since you have already used variables from your CRM - it is smart!

And yes, of course, you can also take advantage of HubSpot's built-in calendar booking, documents, and much, much more

How to use HubSpot Sales Hub



You can build automations with, for example, personalized emails or internal tasks with reminders for your sales team, ensuring that you are always updated with the latest information and never forget a customer



Grow your business with quick and secure payment for your customers in your CRM. You can manage customer purchase experience with quick refunds, payment notifications, and receipts.



HubSpot can be synced with your work calendar, allowing customers to easily book meetings directly with your sales team and find a date and time that works for both parties.


Pipeline management

Add deals, assign tasks, and control sales processes with Sales Hub. You have an overview of your pipelines and the individual deal stages, so you can always see the status of a deal and work with customers individually.

suport (1)

Live chat

Stay connected with your customers while they are on your website with a live chat. You can easily rotate customers to the salesperson who can best help them.


Mobile CRM App

Take sales on the go. Access customer information and make calls with customers, which can be recorded and saved in HubSpot, so you and your entire sales team are updated on the latest information about deals.

Meet your HubSpot team


Martin Mensbo Christiansen


Annemette Rosenkilde Lucas


Dennis Rud Christensen

Lead Developer

Daniel Esbersen

Front-end Developer

Lasse Bech Eiler

Ecommerce Solution Architect

Jacob Lykke

Art Director

Anne Bank Lindberg


4 versions of Sales Hub: Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise

Just like Marketing Hub, CMS Hub, Service Hub and Operations Hub Sales Hub also comes in 4 editions: Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise. Each edition comes with selected sales features, and with a Sales Hub Enterprise, you get access to all of them.


HubSpot Sales Hub Free

This is a completely free edition of Sales Hub. You get basic tools to manage your sales processes, whether you need an overview of your deals, a meeting booking function, or live chat. Among the popular features in Sales Hub Free, you will find:

  • Contact management
  • Deal pipeline
  • Quotes
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Live chat
  • Reporting dashboard


It's 100% free and a great way to get a feel for what Sales Hub has to offer. If you're new to HubSpot, it can also be a great way to start out and figure out how the platform can best fit your needs.



HubSpot Sales Hub Starter

With a Sales Hub Starter, you get all the features of Sales Hub Free, but with this upgrade, you will notice a significant difference, with more features included: 


  • Simple automation
  • Goals
  • Conversation routing
  • Multiple currencies
  • Rep productivity performance


Sales Hub Starter costs $45 per month. Included in the price are 2 users in HubSpot with sales access to the platform. If you want more users with sales access, it costs an extra $25 per month.



HubSpot Sales Hub Professional

Sales Hub Professional costs $450 per month. As the price has increased, so have the options, including:


  • Deal stage, task, and lead rotation automation
  • Sequences
  • Teams
  • Custom reporting
  • Phone support


With this solution, you make sales processes even easier for your entire sales team. You can send reminders and assign tasks to individual sales department employees so that they are informed when there is a new task waiting for them. And with Sequences, you can create email templates that are ready to be sent out to customers. It is smart and efficient!



HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise

Sales Hub Enterprise is your complete toolbox for sales. With a monthly price of $1,200, you get access to features such as:


  • Custom objects
  • Predictive lead scoring
  • Playbooks
  • Forecasting
  • Recurring revenue tracking
  • ... and much more!


Does it sound great? Sales has never been so efficient and easy to handle as soon as you use Sales Hub. Therefore, you're doing yourself and your entire company a favor by choosing HubSpot to handle your sales processes, regardless of which solution you choose.

Connect HubSpot with your favorite tools

Our custom integrations have helped many businesses synchronize data and automate repetitive tasks between HubSpot and their preferred systems. You can also benefit from our integrations and thus have more time to focus on increasing your revenue and building stronger relationships with your customers.




HubSpot + Visma.Net

Opnå en mere effektiv forretningsdrift med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma.NET. Centralisér dine kunde- og finansdata for at øge produktiviteten og forbedre samarbejdet på tværs af teams. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds resultater.

HubSpot + Visma economic

Spar tid og forbedr effektiviteten med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma e-conomic. Synkronisér dine kunde- og økonomidata, og opret fakturaer direkte fra HubSpot uden at skulle skifte mellem systemer. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

HubSpot Quote + MobilePay

Få hurtigere betalinger via HubSpot Quotes med MobilePay som en betalingsmulighed. Tilbyd nem betaling på dine tilbud via MobilePay, og opnå en mere sømløs salgsproces. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds effektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Apple Pay

Forbedr din salgsproces og øg sandsynligheden for at konvertere kunder ved at acceptere betalinger via Apple Pay på dine tilbud.
Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds salgseffektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Quickpay

Øg din konverteringsrate og modtag betalinger hurtigere med integrationen mellem HubSpot Quotes og QuickPay. Acceptér en bred vifte af betalingskort og udbydere som MobilePay, Mastercard, Dankort, Visa, Apple Pay og flere. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Dynamics AX

Forbedr din forretningsdrift og skab mere værdi med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Dynamics AX. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og frigør ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan optimere din virksomhed.

HubSpot + Dynamics C5

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Dynamics C5. Centralisér dine salgs- og økonomidata, og få et samlet overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds effektivitet og økonomiske resultater.

HubSpot + Salesforce

Øg din salgseffektivitet og skab bedre resultater med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Salesforce. Centralisér dine kunde- og salgsdata, og få et 360 graders overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + CVR

Optimer din salgsproces og sikr korrekt data med integrationen mellem HubSpot og det danske CVR-register. Få adgang til altid opdaterede kundeoplysninger fra skattemyndighederne, og spar tid på manuel indtastning og validering. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Microsoft Business Central

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Microsoft Business Central. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og optimer din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

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Explore our HubSpot cases.

Frequently Asked Questions about HubSpot Sales Hub

What is HubSpot Sales Hub?

HubSpot Sales Hub brings together all the tools you need for effective sales processes. Regardless of the company's size, Sales Hub can be tailored to the individual needs of each sales team. You get access to Sales Pipelines, Sequences, Email templates, Meeting scheduling, and much more!

Why should you choose Sales Hub?

You should choose a Sales Hub when you dream of selling even more effectively! It is your ultimate tool for streamlining sales processes. And it is your helping hand to remember the many deals and agreements, so customers and leads are never lost in the shuffle.

How much does HubSpot Sales Hub cost?

Sales Hub comes in 4 editions, which increase in price and the number of sales options. You can get a free edition with basic sales tools, or you can choose from the 3 paid versions: Starter, Professional, and Enterprise.

How many sales users can access a Sales Hub?

Fortunately, you can control who and how many users in HubSpot have access to and insight into sales processes. That means you can assign access solely to your sales team, and you are guaranteed that your marketing team does not mess around with the sales department's tasks - It's smart! The number of seats in your HubSpot sales team depends on which variation of Sales Hub you have in your subscription.

Do you want to Sell more Effectively with Sales Hub?

Please fill out the form, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager