
As a HubSpot Platinum Partner and one of the country's leading HubSpot agencies we bring together in one CRM the data-driven strategies that combine inbound marketing, content marketing, sales strategy, and web design.

Your certified HubSpot Platinum Partner

Are you ambitious? Do you want to run a successful online business? And do you want to generate more leads and increase customer loyalty? Then you should ally yourself with an experienced HubSpot Partner. We make sure that you utilize your full potential on the Hubs that provide the most value for your company. And we develop the custom solutions and integrations you need.


It is not without reason that MCB is a certified HubSpot Platinum Partner. 


As a HubSpot agency we are committed to staying up-to-date on everything within HubSpot. We therefore have the necessary certificates and courses - knowledge that we are happy yo share through e.g. training at the level you want and at our HubSpot Academy.


Over a number of years MCH has helped various companies with HubSpot. They count everything from smaller CRM solutions with a focus on HubSpot marketing to large and more advanced enterprise solutions with a need for custom development. We can therefore help you get an integrated inbound focus such as Flexofold and We Love Animation.


At MCB however we can not only boast a dedicated HubSpot team that works with a number of companies every day to improve their online presence. And it is not enough to have Platinum status as a HubSpot Partner either.


As the only HubSpot agency in Denmark we have managed to gain the status of HubSpot App Partner. This means that we develop and maintain various payment apps that can be added to any HubSpot solution in order to integrate with other systems. We can e.g. mention a HubSpot integration for Economic and a Danish CVR app.


When we see a need in the market we react to it and develop a solution that more companies can benefit form in the future.


As a digital development and marketing bureau MCB has over 20 years of experience in creating success online for out customers. We have delivered both digital marketing including inbound marketing and marketing automation, websites, complex integrations, e-commerce solutions, international solutions with language versions and onboarding, which can be a help for self-help in any company.

Meet your HubSpot team


Martin Mensbo Christiansen


Annemette Rosenkilde Lucas


Dennis Rud Christensen

Lead Developer

Daniel Esbersen

Front-end Developer

Lasse Bech Eiler

Ecommerce Solution Architect

Jacob Lykke

Art Director

Anne Bank Lindberg


Our HubSpot Services



At MCB you meet certified HubSpot consultants who are ready to lift your company on everything from CRM and inbound marketing to custom development.



Together with our design and UX team we create exciting and effective HubSpot solutions where unique designs are combined with user-friendly functionalities.



Create in close cooperation with our HubSpot consultants the data-driven setup that is most valuable to you. We can take over the setup but are also happy to show you the way.



Our developers elevate your HubSpot solution with custom functionalities and advanced integrations. As the only ones in Denmark they have secured status as a HubSpot App Partner.



HubSpot can be integrated into over 5,000 apps and systems. As the only Danish HubSpot App Partner MCB, has built the CVR app and integration for e.g. Economic.



In your company you and your colleagues are the strongest players. That is why we offer onboarding and training in the Hubs you use. See also our HubSpot Academy.

What is HubSpot?

In 2004, the two MIT students Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah saw a changing trend in the way consumers buy goods and services. Consumers were no longer receptive to well-known brands and push strategies, and they increasingly ignored the disruptive ads.


A year later, HubSpot saw the light of day - the purpose was to meet the change in consumers. The company's mission and vision were designed on the methodology behind inbound marketing, and the mission was clear. Consumers should be presented with useful services rather than annoying marketers and their traditional promotions.


Today HubSpot works purposefully with the inbound mindset through more than just content management and the focus is on creating one system that contains everything that any company needs. HubSpot therefore combines software, education, and community in order to be able to meet constantly changing market needs in both sales, service and online marketing.


With HubSpot you therefore get a constantly changing platform, and you will experience that there is never far from thought to action and from development wishes to integrated function.


It is no wonder that HubSpot is one of the market-leading CRM platforms.


HubSpot offers a fully integrated Customer Data Platform which is the ideal choice for ambitious B2B and B2C companies that want to unite marketing, marketing automation, sales, web and customer service, and who at the same time want to work most efficiently and save resources - and thus data driven. With an all-round Customer Relation Management (CRM) platform you get the essential hosts and integrations for marketing and sales activities no matter how complex your services or products may be.


HubSpot currently counts 5 HubSpot; HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Sales Hub, HubSpot Service Hub, HubSpot Operations Hub, and HubSpot CMS Hub. Individually these are powerful but together (whether you choose all 5 or just the two that provide the most value to you) you create a powerful setup based on valuable data that lets you drive results with your business.


CRM is the cores.


It is basically free to get started with HubSpot CRM, and you can therefore set up a setup that contains data on all the contacts you are in contact with within a manageable time frame and pricing. You can build on, expand, and change your personal CRM setup by itself, or you can strengthen your data by uniting your HubSpot CRM with other HubSpot Hubs.


HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Sales Hub, HubSpot Service Hub, HubSpot Operations Hub, and HubSpot CMS Hub are of course fully integrated so you can optimize and work smarter in all areas. And with the right composition, you get an insight into the journey of several leads from first visit to conversion.


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HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot Marketing Hub

One of the market's best marketing automation platforms.

With HubSpot's Marketing Hub you can attract and connect with customers through personalized emails, tools for lead generation such as forms, chat and pop-ups, strong integrations for Google Ads and social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and a clear analysis tool to measure your digital marketing.

You can give extra impetus to your marketing activities with the help of tools such as Campaigns, which give you the full overview of performance and more advanced functions in HubDB.

Hubspot Marketing Hub therefore links all your marketing activities together and ensures you all marketing automation functions.

HubSpot CMS Hub

HubSpot CMS Hub

A stronger position is achieved when you develop, design, and maintain your website (and soon your webshop) through the HubSpot CMS.

With CMS Hub you can transform your website with various tools and an easy approach to content management.

It can be the smart drag-and-drop editor on both websites and landing pages, flexible themes, and easy optimization of SEO through e.g. Topic Clusters and recommendations that can improve your position in the online search results.

All of this contributes to a complete experience with HubSpot where you as an editor can be responsible for building, adapting, and designing yourself without the need for code in the creation of a website which means that you can continue to meet the changing expectations of your customers and needs.

HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub

A high conversion rate depends on good sales work.

With the HubSpot Sales Hub you get the opportunity to sell smarter and more efficiently. The various tools give you a problem-free approach to both templates, documents, conversation intelligence, and meeting booking. Therefore you can eliminate the many steps that can otherwise distract and delay a sales process. And you can maintain an overview of progress and work processes through work with Deals, Pipelines, and Lead Scoring.

HubSpot Sales Hub therefore gives you the best conditions for making forecasts and creating Tasks in your team (even if it only consists of you).

HubSpot Service Hub

HubSpot Service Hub

With Service Hub you have the opportunity to connect customer experiences and provide authentic support - quickly and easily. You can do this via a ticket system or a shared inbox.

The service can be further enhanced through the use of live chat, so that customers and potential customers can get answers to questions here and now, as well as a Customer Portal or Knowledge base, where you can facilitate the work of your customer service team by gathering all the knowledge your customers demand in one place. It can be anything from guides and FAQs to advanced specifications and instructions for maintenance. You can publish the articles in HubSpot openly online with free access from your site, or you can hide either all or parts of them behind a customer login.

HubSpot Operations Hub

HubSpot Operations Hub

With Operations Hub you will experience the opportunity to analyze your customers' information through features such as custom properties and field mapping.

It gives you a custom experience that lets you customize your HubSpot setup so that it gives you the most value. You can therefore create the home that everyone in your company should aspire to every day when they come to work by meeting all the needs that may exist in each department to work smarter and more integrated.

This means you can keep your business up-to-date with HubSpot.

HubSpot - The Founder Behind Inbound Marketing

HubSpot is the brain behind inbound marketing - a method that involves customers coming to you instead of you coming to them. It happens i.a. through relevant content that turns curious visitors into actual customers.


The entire methodology behind HubSpot CRM stems from the thinking behind inbound makreting and securing stable resources for all areas of marketing automation.


If you want to ensure relevant content that attracts customers and experiences that make them want to stay with your company it is essential to be data-driven in your efforts. Data - and not least correct data is therefore not just important but the entire cornerstone when you want to run a successful business. And creating cohesion between tools, systems, and working methods can mean more data and more valid data that you can process and convert customers on.


When HubSpot offers one unified solution and the home for your business it is therefore not just empty words. With the various Hubs you will experience a whole that works separately but really comes into its own when the parts are united and allowed to exchange data and knowledge internally. And this applies regardless of whether you invest in several Hubs or create the connections with integrations and custom solutions.


You can build on this data from Hubspot. It gives you knowledge and insight that ensures that you put your resources and budgets in the right places. It lets you pick up where you see potential customers dropping off, it lets you create the entire customer journey that leads to conversion, and it lets you process and analyze your KPIs so you can set realistic goals that can be done here and now as well as those that you have to deal with in the future.


Inbound marketing is driven by data.


And this means that you can quickly and easily adjust your HubSpot site to match the trends you see in your target group. Instead of having a site without much effect you can invest where it provides the most value - here and now.


With the inbound mindset you can benefit from 5 marketing automation advantages in HubSpot in particular:


Integrated solution:

You will experience a fully integrated solution that provides the entire company with all marketing needs gathered on one website. You can therefore benefit from the system in relation to everything from creating landing pages to sending out automations. And there is no reason for all departments to know about the efforts being made on all channels. They can simply stay updated in real time in HubSpot.


Boost sales and lead generation

Hubspot is the ideal solution for both getting more leads and increasing conversions - and naturally this means increased sales. 

With the latest inbound tools at hand you can gain valuable insight into how visitors find your website, which search engines they use, where they find useful content on your site, how long they stay on each page, and much more. You can then adjust your strategies in accordance with your goals.

And because everything can be done in real time in HubSpot you do not have to fear losing ground during the period when your content might not perform.


Simplified SEO process

Even experienced marketers can find search engine optimization (SEO) intimidating and complicated. It is about large amounts of data and complex analyses. However, HubSpot offers effective tools that can help your business track down potential keywords so you can increase your search engine rankings.

HubSpot also provides knowledge about possible topics, suggestions for topic clusters, and guidance to have as good pages as possible.


Easier content creation

The easiest editor experience is found in HubSpot, and therefore you can quickly take off with your content marketing. You can also integrate the software's content backend with your social media and Google Ads so that the content can be put live in a few seconds.

You can therefore implement your marketing automation strategies faster than ever.


Data-driven strategies

By using HubSpot you take all the guesswork out of your inbound marketing strategy. The system helps you collect data and guide your employees to make the right business decisions. You can also generate reports on KPI, MCI etc. to improve future campaigns.


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That's what our partners say

Cretaive Force
MCB has been a very flexible and competent partner. We have a fairly mature marketing department with many skills in-house, and therefore it has been a pleasure that we have been able to collaborate directly with the developers at MCB to build the right solution.

Lars Krogh Jensen

Online Marketing Director at Creative Force
HubSpot changes your view and focus on your customers.

One goes from communication to the custemers with the face facing the wall (and just hoping that the customer listens and that he actually gets the knowledge he needs) to communicate with them and look them in the eye.

This means that HubSpot allows us to interact with and meet our customers' needs by being proactive and responding to their behavior. That's why they get the service they need - completely without us spending more resources on it!

Annette Svendsen

Marketing Manager at Flexofold
We love Animation
MCB has created all the text on the website, and I get a lot of praise for that today. It has been a very important part of the process. Although we work on a daily basis to help our customers communicate accurately and clearly, it is unusually difficult to communicate what we do ourselves. We are simply too deeply involved to be able to see ourselves from the outside. It is completely for us as it is for our customers. Therefore MCB has been an invaluable help.


The website is fantastic. There are all the Unique Selling Points one needs to know. And it is simply so clear what it is we are doing. So MCB has made sure that there is a solid foundation in HubSpot to build on. And that was what I asked for. And it has succeeded.

Søren Fleng

Director at We Love Animation

HubSpot CRM for Small Businesses

Many are of the belief that a CRM platform is complicated and only relevant for complex and larger companies. But that is not the case with HubSpot.


HubSpot CRM helps companies keep track of interactions with customers from the moment the first contact is established to a sale.


With HubSpot CRM you can automate emails, schedule meetings, track customer service issues, and keep contact information and data up to data across all your platforms. In other words you will find that HubSpot makes life easier for you because the data management and manual processes are taken care of and replaced with strong and smart automations.


Precisely for this reason the system is also ideal for smaller companies. The system contains tools for Contact Management, Email Marketing and Tracking, Automations, Social Media Management, Customer Support and much more which most companies - regardless of size - greatly benefit from. HubSpot therefore has the foundation to help both start-ups get off the ground well and smaller companies to grow faster.


HubSpot offers a 14-day free trial so you have the opportunity to test the tools. And at the same time Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, CMS Hub, CMS Hub, and Operations Hub are available in free editions so you do not have to pay for everything at once. In face you can manage up to 1,000,000 contacts, users, and storage for free with no expiration date in HubSpot. You can also choose just 1 of the 5 Hubs as a start, and then you can be sure that the other tools are ready when you need to scale the business.

How We Help You Get Started With HubSpot

No companies are the same. That is why we tailor the HubSpot process that makes the most sense for you based on your needs.


Regardless of whether you are already well up and running with HubSpot CRM and dream of extra training or sparring on your solution whether you have some wishes for additional development, or whether you need to start from scratch we are the right HubSpot Partner. We have experience with both small and large companies and are therefore happy to contribute on a small scale with setting up marketing automation and improving performance as well as on al arge scale with e.g. custom solutions, integrations, and development tasks.


A typical HubSpot collaboration starts with a clarification of needs where we delve into your expectations. From here we begin the agreed work. It all takes place in close cooperation with you so you always have an overview of the process. There may be changes and new ideas along the way which of course we deal with. When we get close to the end goal we start a phase of training where you get a thorough introduction to the selected Hubs and functions.

Afterwards, we respond to updates and are also happy to help with day-t0-day operations and maintain you HubSpot solution.


Our HubSpot team always provides support for your solution, and therefore there is never far from thought and wonder to action and solution.


We are realistic and honest. Therefore you should expect a collaboration where we kick smart ideas and functions aside if they do not make sense for your business. The most important thing is that you get the solution and the setup in HubSpot that is most rewarding for you - also financially.



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Explore our HubSpot cases.

Frequently Asked Questions for HubSpot

How Does HubSpot Work?

HubSpot is a cloud-based marketing and CRM platform. 

It is therefore an intelligent software system that helps both B2B and B2C companies scale through improving their online presence. HubSpot does it i.a. possible to follow and analyze customer behavior, create and distribute content, track down new and potential leads, automate all marketing processes and much more. That is why HubSpot is one of the biggest players on the market when you want an integrated system that attracts, engages, and retains leads - all built on an inbound mindset.

How Much Does HubSpot Cost?

HubSpot is an investment. But it is an investment in your company's online success.

The final HubSpot price depends on the setup you want and need, e.g. in relation to which Hubs you choose to integrate. Each of these has different stages and price ranges. And in face, you can get started with the HubSpot CMS for just 25 USD/md. while you can take advantage of parts of the sales Hub and the integrated CRM for free.

Contact us for a no-obligation chat and find out what you have to pay for HubSpot.

Who Should Use HubSpot?

HubSpot is for ambitious companies - large and small. 

This is a software platform that is aimed at companies that have a desire to integrate marketing, sales, and customer service and at the same time work data-driven from an inbound mindset. This means that current trends are taken into account in relation to how the modern buyer acts online.

Do you want to see what HubSpot can do for you, or are you looking for a business partner?

Please fill out the form, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager