WordPress has a simple and easy-to-use content editor. Anyone with basic computer skills can have a website up and running within a few hours.
All they need is a web hosting platform and purchased a domain name. No coding is necessary for a user to build a basic site.
But the more features a user wants on their website, the more technical WordPress becomes. Installing custom themes and plugins could become overwhelming for the average user. And understanding deeper-level settings can be daunting.
Luckily, users who have a tough time navigating the nooks and crannies of WordPress have help. There is a vast community of WordPress users who teach others how to use the CMS to its fullest potential.
These people write blogs and make videos dedicated to WordPress. Any information you want to know about the platform exists somewhere here. All you need is to find a creator whose style fits you. Then, whenever you need help, use their content as a resource.
Umbraco is a platform for web developers who know their way around creating a website. These users are likely to have knowledge of programming languages and have previous experience coding websites.
However, the content editor for the platform is still friendly for the average person. In style it is not unlike WordPress, featuring a main dashboard that branches off into the various functions of the website. A client who needed to update a page or blog article could do so quickly and easily.
The challenging part would be if the client wanted to explore more advanced features. Umbraco is a lesser known brand with a smaller community of users. So reference information about the ins and outs of Umbraco is not as common as it is with WordPress. Thus, a client may need to call upon an outside developer more often than they might with WordPress.
WordPress has the largest market share of any CMS on the internet. According to usage statistics collected by W3Techs, WordPress software powers 40% of all websites on the internet, and 64% of all websites that use a content management system.
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